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Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Can a Christian lose their salvation?

                   Basically, it would seem that there are those who are truly saved and are attempting to please God with their lifestyle and those who simply SAY they are a Christian, but exhibit ZERO fruit. Oh, they go to church every time the doors are open and belt out the songs with the best of them. They even become deacons or elders. They say all the appropriate things giving the perception that they are a devoted follower of Jesus. But deep inside their heart of hearts, where only God can see, they are not committed as much as it would appear that they are. Many other worldly endeavors crowd out true commitment until they slowly fade away. Call it “flash in the pan” Christianity. Call it whatever you want, but what the Bible calls it “apostasy” … 

a falling away. 

                  So that would tell me that the “elect” the Bible speaks of would actually seek forgiveness and exhibit gratitude for the forgiveness they receive. They are those true, hardcore, followers of God’s Word. The ones who seek to grow spiritually continuously with the help of the Holy Spirit within.  To be honest, Christians are not always ON their game. At times they stumble and slip up. Make no mistake about it, Christians fall into sin, but it isn’t a habitual thing. Our humanness just happens to get in the way of God’s plan for us.

                  So CAN a Christian lose their salvation?  The answer to the question above is YES, CINOs or ‘Christians In Name Only’, can indeed lose their salvation, due to the fact that they more than likely never made the initial commitment to Christ and truly got saved to begin with.  Therefore, technically, they cannot lose what they may have never had.  They declare that they are believers and let it be enough. They hang their hat on the statement that all a person needs to do is “believe”. While that is true, that belief must lead you deeper into the truth of God. Imposters have NO intent to grow. They just ride the Jesus train as long as it suits them.

The answer to the question is also NO. Those who are TRUE Christians are sealed at salvation for eternity by the Holy Spirit and cannot lose their salvation. You see, the Lord must be preeminent in your life. He must be your all in all. He must mean more to you than life itself, because He is the giver of life. Sure, as I said earlier, even true believers, being human just the same as unbelievers, will sin from time to time, but with them it will be the exception rather than the rule.

Trust God with your everything and strive to know Him more each day by reading His Word and praying continuously.  Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In His Name & for His Glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

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