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Monday, September 2, 2024

Acting vs Reacting: A brief analysis ...

            Meditating, contemplating, and reflecting should be a key element of one’s walk with Christ. Much of the teaching Sri Rajaji shares can be applied to a Christians life with one exception ... our focus is to be on Christ, and by familial association, God Himself, not our inner self. We cannot meditate our way into heaven; however, meditating IS a valid way of relaxing and reflecting. Meditating on God’s Word is definitely profitable for your soul. The whole gist of serving the Lord is wrapped up in contemplating our relationship with Him and reflecting on how you can become more like Him.

            I found Sri Rajaji’s article to be very thought provoking. It was an easy read that was explained very well. As an ex-in-law used to say: “Truth is truth wherever you find it. You simply take the meat & leave the bones.” She was absolutely right. There is, of course, one element that is missing. All that he says is, in my estimation, true and useful information; however, the topic of acting & reacting is dealt with slightly differently when based on faith. 

            When he speaks of the ‘solution of life’, he is leaving out the ‘life-giver’. We’ve been created with the potential to solve problems and control our own emotions. Satan attacks us at our weakest point in the hopes that we will sin. You can train yourself to withstand all the fiery darts life throws at you; however, your own resources are limited. The resources of God are endless. With the spirit of Christ within you there is absolutely nothing you cannot accomplish. 

            Re: the ‘pushing of buttons’, we must realize that many people in life push those buttons with the sole purpose to getting an unnatural reaction. Satan lives for this ... button pushing is his specialty. We must get to a place where most things simply do not bother us. This can be a heck of a lot easier said than done. But know this: Flipping out serves no good purpose. Maintaining a sense of calmness can be the result of our contemplations. Calling on the name of the Holy Spirit to lead us to victory over our problem is the difference with the Christian and Mr. Rajaji.

            “The moon shines because its surface reflects light from the sun.” [1] And just like the moon we are to reflect light from the Son. In other words, we should diligently strive EACH DAY to become more of a reflection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

            Rajaji talks of placing yourself in a position of power by the way you control how you act and react in any given situation. As a Christian we are to strengthen our resolve to utilize God’s power and resources to create the ‘will’ [2]to act and react appropriately.  

            In the end, I see value in meditating ... although what you meditate on becomes an important variable. Contemplation and reflection are valuable tools for the believer. In a secular sense, contemplation means “thoughtful or long consideration or observation”, while the ecclesiastical meaning stretches out the thought in a more specific way ... “spiritual meditation, especially in Christian religious practices where concentration of the mind and soul is upon God”.

            Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.


In His Name & for His Glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries


[2] The mental faculty by which one deliberately chooses or decides upon a course of action.” (American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

NOTE: All definitions come from the American Heritage Dictionary.

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