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Thursday, September 26, 2024


“I have heard your prayer ….”

2 Chronicles 7:12 (NIV)


Nothing on this earth could ever compare to Almighty God. No matter how hard we try to emulate God we fail miserably because we are terminally imperfect. God is the only perfect entity, which is why He is the ‘prototype’, so to speak. The ‘standard’ that should be followed.

Having said all that, what does it mean to us when we read the words “I have heard your prayer …”? If God is ethereal and therefore not of this earth, then how does He hear us? So many of us, and I can tend to be one of them, over think certain things. Rather than focusing on the fact that He hears us, I want to know how He hears us. I am telling you now, the confirmation in scripture that your Heavenly Father actually hears you when you pray to Him is infinitely more important than how He hears you.

How many of you understand that there is a significant difference between listening and hearing. We can listen to someone all day long and not truly hear anything they’ve said. What a comfort to find that our Heavenly Father can be trusted to HEAR our prayers and not just listen to them.

In the movie, BRUCE ALMIGHTY**, God, played by Morgan Freeman, takes a vacation, giving all His powers to Bruce (Jim Carrey). In one scene, Bruce is on his computer and he starts receiving hundreds, even thousands of prayer requests almost instantaneously. He can’t answer them all individually, because he has determined that it would be too time consuming, so he decides to just give an affirmative answer to all the prayer requests. This of course doesn’t work out so well. Isn’t it a good thing that God not only hears us as an individual, but takes the time to say either ‘no’ or ‘not yet’ from time to time when He knows to rubber stamp our request will lead to negative consequences. We truly do not know what is good for us and normally want the easy way into or out of a given situation. However, it is in the waiting that some of our most important lessons are learned … as long as WE have decided to hear and not just listen. So know that God hears all your prayers and will answer them when the right time for an answer has come. This involves trust and patience. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!

In His Name & for His Glory,

RL Keller

Bread of Life Ministries


*Prototype – An original type, form or instance serving as a basis or standard.

** Bruce Almighty – released in theatres May 14th, 2003, by Universal Pictures.

Note: I just read a couple of days ago that Jim Carrey has given his life to Christ. I rejoice in that, for another lost soul has found his way to God.

Thank you Lord for wooing him with your Holy Spirit. Amen.

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