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Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Exploring the Trinity

Genesis 2:7 NLT “Then the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground. He breathed the His spirit (the breath of life) into the man’s nostrils, and the man became a living person (a living soul).”




It is a blessing that we have three parts; body, soul, and spirit. All of these parts have specific functions. The body is our physical functions and how we feel our physical senses such as the sense of sight, taste, smell, hear, and touch. The soul is basically our mind, our emotions, and our will. It is who we are as human beings. Our soul is our humanity that makes us feel emotions. The spirit is our spiritual and deeper connection with the Lord. It is our way to magnify God through our human limitations. We express our love to God and Jesus Christ through our spirit because this is one of the gifts that Christ gave us when he became human and died for our sins. So we HAVE a spirit, but it is only activated And thus, we can only use the spirit if we believe in God and Christ and if we do the ways of the spirit.


God formed man’s body from the dust of the ground, but only the impartation of the breath of God made him a living being. “Physically, man was taken out of the ground. It is quite interesting that our bodies are made up of about fifteen or sixteen chemical elements. Those same chemical elements are in the ground. The physical part of man was taken out of the dust of the ground.” So if Almighty God gave us life, what are we to do WITH that life? Are we to live whatever way we please or are we to follow His spiritual plan FOR us. As I’ve said before, we don’t have to follow God’s plan if we don’t want to, but unless we understand the BIG picture regarding life and death and what happens when we pass on from this earth, we will continuously make uninformed decisions based on our feelings, rather than our intellect. What is feeding our intellect? It all depends on what we read, watch, and/or experience. Those things will cause our life to follow a certain path. The end is essentially predetermined, in that those who follow Christ will go to heaven and those who follow anything or anyone other than Christ will go to hell. That is our predetermined destination, but where we end up is solely up to us as individuals. Obey God and live a life that will end in victory. The bible continuously makes it crystal clear that God loves His entire creation, which would include both you and me. It should be an easy decision to obey God because He knows more than all of humanity combined. Frankly, He knows all that could possibly be known. We do not have that ability. Why would we seek advice from unsaved individuals who eternally speaking haven’t got a clue what the right move to make is? We were created by God and given the possibility to know Him intimately. No sacrifice we could make would impress or please God. Why? Because it’s NOT what He seeks ... not what He desires from His creation. Obedience, for this is what the Lord knows will lead to the only positive outcome for us. Until next time, walk with the King & be a blessing.

In His Name & for His Glory,

RL Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

(J Vernon McGee, THRU THE BIBLE)

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