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Tuesday, October 8, 2024


“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”- Philippians 4:6-7

          Here in Philippians, the Apostle Paul not only tells us not to be anxious but tells us how to acquire the peace that surpasses all understanding. Every time we encounter a difficult set of circumstances we are to pray. It is a good practice to praise and thank Him for who He is and who we are because of what Christ has done for us first. If we are praising and thanking God, we aren’t worrying. It is very human to worry, but we don’t have to. The peace that God gives us flows through us and cannot be comprehended by mortal man; it is a supernatural phenomenon. It isn’t conjured up by us, but rather administered to us by the Holy Spirit. In our busy, crazy, chaotic world where we run to and fro, it would be nice to have a little peace. Well it is there for the asking, but we must believe. We all know what faith is: believing in the unseen as if it can be seen; believing in things that are not as if they are. If our trust is in Almighty God, faith isn’t that much of a reach. It was required to believe in God to begin with.

          Rest your mind. “But I don’t have time.” Rest your mind. “I am too busy for that.” Rest – your – mind. It isn’t easy to relax at times., but frankly, if we have time to worry, we have time to rest. We get so wound up at times that resting any part of our anatomy is near impossible, but if we seek God and ask Him to fill us with His peace, He will do it. We take on too much. We don’t know how to say ‘no’. We create un-peaceful situations for ourselves at times. Take a deep breath and focus on Christ. Nothing is impossible for Almighty God; NOTHING! Let His Spirit flow through you and you shall be at peace in the midst of any storm. God loves you; without hesitation, without conditions, without regrets. Until next time, walk with the King & be a blessing!

In His Name & for His Glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

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