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Friday, October 11, 2024


“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith —and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast.”- Ephesians 2:8-9 


grace noun 1a: unmerited divine assistance given humans for their regeneration or sanctification; b: a virtue coming from God; c: a state of sanctification enjoyed through divine grace; 2a: approval, favor, mercy, pardon.


            There is nothing we could ever do to save ourselves. We can’t work our way into heaven with good deeds. We can’t buy our way into heaven. We can’t beg or plead. There is one way to get into God’s heaven and it is by His grace. We simply ask for it by recognizing our lowly state and seeking forgiveness for our deeds which have flown in the face of His precepts. Just as an alcoholic must confess that he has a problem and needs help, so must we confess that we are sinners in need of redemption. It requires faith; specifically, the faith of a child. Children have such innocence. Just as they trust their earthly fathers and mothers, so are we to trust our heavenly Father, who loves us without hesitation or reservation. His unmerited favor, His mercy, come in the form of the bloody, beaten, broken body of His only Son, Jesus Christ. 

            To truly grasp the significance of our redemption, we must look to the cross. It is a bloody, gruesome sight. There is nothing appealing about it, yet our gaze must fall upon that horrifying scene to truly begin to understand what God’s grace entails. He paid our sin debt with His own blood. Someone had to do it. He required a blood sacrifice to wipe out sin. He knew no one else was able to pay the debt in full except His own Son. He set it up that way. It was preordained from the beginning of time. It had to take place that way. So, understand that the greatest gift ever given came to us by way of blood, pain and separation; for Christ had to be separated from His Father for a brief time. He didn’t have to be coerced into going all the way to the cross on Golgotha’s hill, He did it willingly for us all. Embrace the cross and you will find grace. I doubt we will ever fully comprehend how great the Father’s love truly is for us. There is nothing this side of heaven to compare it to. Rest in His grace and mercy and find peace. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!

In His Name & for His Glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries



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